High-Fiber Healthy Snacks to Support Digestive Health

Every individual should start taking steps to maintain their health, including by choosing healthy snacks. Many healthy snacks, particularly high-fiber snacks, are available as alternatives to conventional snacks. Below is an explanation of why healthy snacks are important, along with examples of healthy snack choices.
Why Are Healthy Snacks Important?
One effective way to shift towards a healthier lifestyle is to start eating healthy snacks. Healthy snacks are beneficial because they are nutritionally balanced, unlike conventional snacks. These snacks are designed to provide balanced nutrition without excessive or insufficient intake. However, their benefits still depend on portion control and how much you consume.
Criteria for Healthy Snacks
As you may know, there are now many healthy snack options available on the market. With the wide variety, choosing the right healthy snack can be overwhelming. Here are some criteria to help you select healthy snacks that meet your needs:
High in Fiber and Protein
Fiber and protein are essential for the body because they are digested more slowly than sugars, helping you feel fuller longer. This is ideal for those looking to reduce portions and avoid overeating. High-fiber and protein snacks can include nuts like cashews, almonds, and hazelnuts.
Food Combination
Healthy snacks should include at least one food from two different food groups, such as fruits and vegetables, dairy and alternatives, meats and alternatives, or grain products. This allows for creativity in choosing healthy snacks. For example, try YAVA’s granola, which is made with oats, brown rice, and nuts. You can mix it with fruit and milk or yogurt to meet your nutritional needs.
Contains 100-150 Calories
According to Clinique Motivation Minceur, it’s recommended to consume healthy snacks with no more than 150 calories per serving, as they serve as a supplement, not a main meal. For a reference, 100-150 calories is roughly equivalent to two soft-boiled eggs, three pieces of dark chocolate, three spoonfuls of sorbet, one apple, or 250 ml of low-fat soy milk, yogurt, or cheese.
Low in Salt, Sugar, and Fat
While the body needs salt, sugar, and fat to function normally, excessive amounts can lead to health risks. Opt for snacks low in added sugars, salts, and unhealthy fats. It’s best to consume snacks with natural sugars and healthy fats, like those in avocados. You can also replace regular sugar with low-glycemic alternatives like palm sugar, coconut sugar, and date sugar.
Low Glycemic Index
Healthy snacks with a low glycemic index release glucose gradually, helping to maintain stable blood sugar levels. You can easily find low-GI snacks like YAVA Granola.
Long-Term Health Benefits of Healthy Snacks
- Keeps the Body Functioning Normally, Reducing the Risk of Disease
- Helps Maintain Stable Blood Sugar Levels
- Prevents Overeating
- Ensures Adequate Nutrient Intake
- Helps Maintain Stable Blood Pressure