Glycemic Index is? A Complete Guide to Understanding Health

When consuming food, it’s essential to pay attention to the glycemic index (GI). Understanding GI can be crucial for making informed food choices that support overall health. This article provides a complete guide to the glycemic index, from its definition to its application in daily dietary habits.

What is the Glycemic Index?

The Glycemic Index is a value used to measure how much specific foods increase blood sugar levels. Foods and beverages are categorized into low, medium, or high GI based on a scale from 0 to 100, making it easier for consumers to select the right foods.

Generally, the lower a food's glycemic index, the smaller its impact on blood sugar. Low-GI foods range from 0 to 55, medium-GI foods from 56 to 69, and high-GI foods from 70 and above. Foods high in refined carbs and sugars often have high GI values because they digest quickly, while low-GI foods often contain high amounts of protein, fat, or fiber.

Examples of Foods Based on Glycemic Index

Choosing the right foods for your dietary needs can sometimes be confusing, especially when it comes to the GI scale. Here is a list of foods based on their GI levels to serve as a helpful reference:

Low GI Foods

Apricots (34), avocados (10), cherries (25), fresh pineapple juice (50), oranges (35), sugar-free orange juice (45), beans (15), unsweetened peanut butter (25), soybeans (15), broccoli (15), green grapes (45), beef steak (0), blueberries (25), and plain cereal (45).

Medium GI Foods

Canned apricots in syrup (60), boiled beets (65), bran bread (65), condensed milk (61), sweetened mayonnaise (60), mango (56), honey (60), pancakes (66), sweetened muesli (56), and oat milk (69).

High GI Foods

Sugary cereal (70), bagels (70), baguettes (95), baked potatoes (95), croissants (70), dates (70), donuts (75), strawberry-flavored fruit bars (90), gluten-free white bread (90), instant rice (85), canned lychees in syrup (79), and mashed potatoes (83).

Why is the Glycemic Index Important?

High blood sugar levels are associated with various health issues, including the risk of diabetes, heart disease, nerve damage, and more. Learning about the GI of foods you consume can help you manage your diet and keep blood sugar levels in check.

A regular, nutritious diet will support a healthier lifestyle. To maximize your health, consume nutrient-rich foods and avoid those with excessive sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats.

It’s essential to understand that a balanced, healthy diet includes foods from all glycemic index levels. For a low-GI option, try high-quality foods like YAVA Granola with Gula Lontar (a low-GI sweetener). Order YAVA Granola today to enjoy a healthy and balanced snack!

The Glycemic Index is a key factor in healthy living. Make sure to choose quality, low-GI foods like YAVA Granola with GulaRamah for better health.